My finds for this month for
Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child. You can find the information about them on
their web site.
I've been collecting items throughout the year to make 15 boxes. The boxes are almost full! It's been a really fun project. My kids love to help me shop for the kids and pack the boxes too. I let my daughter help me fill the girl boxes and my son fills the boy boxes.

Some of the items I found this month...
- crayons
- books
- little ball maze puzzles
- skipping ropes
- candy
- Sudoku puzzles
- little toy animals
- magnetic game
- hair combs
- hair ties for the girls
- pencil cases
- kazoo

Keep in mind if you are packing your box... It is helpful to put the
soap in a bag and the
candy in a bag. Remember if you are sending candy it
MUST be HARD candy (baked candy ie Werthers, not just packed sugar ie. rockets or gum).
This is a customs regulation.
I got a box of 50 ziploc baggies for a dollar and was able to bag everything separately. This saves them the trouble of having to bag it when they are checking through the boxes in the warehouse.