I haven't been making any cards in the past week or so so I've been absent from blog-land. However, I wanted to share a different project with you today.
This year I had the very fun priviledge of being able to volunteer at the Operation Christmas Child warehouse. (What was even more special is that I got to go with my neice!) Anyways it was lots of fun and I'd love to do it again sometime.
I thought that this year I will try to make more shoeboxes. If I spread the cost over the whole year then I'm able to make more! (My goal this year is to make at least 15!)
I thought I would start with some Boxing Week shopping to see if I could pick up any specials. I was able to find a few things...

The things I found this month - notepads, pens, erasers, puzzles, teddies, stickers, toy cars, candles, wash cloths
The good thing about shopping for so many you can get cheaper prices by buying packages with multiple items/package.
I organized myself by first choosing the age/sex and how many of each I wanted to build. Then I wrote a list of things I would like to find and hopefully the price I am aiming for. All the things I bought this month I was able to find at the price I hoped for or in most cases, even cheaper!

I got lots of fantastic ideas while volunteering. I'll keep on showing you what I find as the year goes on.
I hope you're inspired create some of your own shoeboxes! If you don't know what I'm talking about it's
Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas child project. I've participated for many years already and I LOVE doing it.
If you've made shoeboxes before and have some great ideas of what to put in there - please comment and share your thoughts with me!